In the studio with Sergio Díaz De Rojas
“… when I start working on an album, I don’t stop until it is ready… it is the only thing I think about…”
“… when I start working on an album, I don’t stop until it is ready… it is the only thing I think about…”
“Keep creating and make sure that the majority of your time spent making content is something you love doing.”
“… the future of a hostile Earth wherein humanity itself faces extinction…”
“… subtle weaving together of acoustic elements, soft synthetic manoeuvres and evocative field recordings to spellbinding effect…”
“… my role as a performer fulfils me completely […] I don’t feel any frustration in playing other people’s music, I find it a total field of expression…”
“… creation is a cathartic process for me, and I’m drawn to it like a moth to light…”
“… I don’t distinguish so much between Techno and Ambient. For me, it’s the same: a soundtrack to special moments…”
“… there’s no point in wasting a lot of time on a track which obviously isn’t going to work, the listeners can hear it’s not been fun to work on…”
“… what if one day in the distant future human beings encounter unknown types of feelings…”