A Strangely Isolated Place
Reflection on 2018
Ryan Griffin’s favourite selections revisited for one more spin…
Ryan Griffin’s favourite selections revisited for one more spin…
Editors Note: The following is a excerpt from James Norman‘s upcoming book, titled Micro Record Label: A …
…a hint of a suppressed memory that is bubbling up to the surface in another form of water that can not be turned to tears…
… a reimagining of Bach’s too often mathematical progressions into another yet unglimpsed, unheard dimension…
“With some albums, you realize within a few seconds that here you have come across something really special…”
Visit with the Denmark based musician behind the Manual moniker, and his collaboration with Jason Kolb as the Billow Observatory
A set of moody, melancholic and introspective albums for a chilly day…
The listener has no choice…