Viul & Benoît Pioulard
A Real Place
“… wide brush strokes in pastel colours, deep-textured warmth, and hazy memories…”
“… wide brush strokes in pastel colours, deep-textured warmth, and hazy memories…”
“… creation is a cathartic process for me, and I’m drawn to it like a moth to light…”
“… has God created us, or have we created God for ourselves?”
“… there’s no point in wasting a lot of time on a track which obviously isn’t going to work, the listeners can hear it’s not been fun to work on…”
“… generative shapes morph effortlessly into particle-based metaverse versions of the band members themselves…”
“… the possibilities of being outside being, and in the absence of elsewhere finding ourselves, whenever we are…”
“… how thoroughly unprepared we are for something almost all of us will experience…”
“… unrelenting pulsing, jagged entries, in a particle cloud seeded with vocals… like boats thrashed in a storm…”
A Spatial label showcase of classic 90’s atmospheric drum & bass