4T Thieves
Raven’s Cottage
“… nostalgia-inducing electronica with glitch, lo-fi, and drifting synths…”
“… nostalgia-inducing electronica with glitch, lo-fi, and drifting synths…”
“… the sonic sculpture is created within the composition and sound, smoothing and subtracting the superabundant and multiplying the necessary…”
… music of exquisite tension and ecstatic release…
“… modern immediacy is alluring but music should be given the time it deserves…”
“… like when you try to remember a dream you just had, but it falls away and disappears…”
“… a sense of envelopment in your surroundings and taking some comfort in that…”
“… a mysterious and deeply textured journey that could be set in both the distant past and an uncertain future, on this planet or beyond…”