Luke Vibert
Luke Vibert presents Amen Andrews
“… I suppose you could call it futuristic retro…”
“… I suppose you could call it futuristic retro…”
“… focusing on the personal in order to tell a wider human story…”
“… I looked at my shelving unit the other day and thought I could hollow out the middle row, be laid to rest in it with the records and they could just nail wood over the top and I could go into the ground with it all…”
Four EPs connected by a collaboration of their respective artists
The latest from my “one vinyl per day” self-assigned task to stay focused during these anxious times
Three absolutely gorgeous albums that you can dive into instead of watching the news…
Ryan Griffin of ASIP takes us through a journey of ambiance and more…
“… a stunning, delicate, and fragile piece, in which you’ll fall in love…“
The first installment of Headphone Commute’s Best of 2009 begins with Music For The Film Behind …