Tim Linghaus
Running To School With S
“… it’s just how I like it… a bit introspective, nostalgic and melancholy… as if all these memories were always mine…”
“… it’s just how I like it… a bit introspective, nostalgic and melancholy… as if all these memories were always mine…”
“… exploring intimacy, isolation, distance, and touch […] among the universal questions of the human condition…”
“… where gentle melodies meet their destruction in distortion and dismantling fate…”
“… fleeting moments in time, so intimate and splendid…”
“… the piano is the source, but electronics are the environment that they exist within…”
“… each string resonating at a time, creating a delightful harmony, warm to the ear and the soul…”
“… like the great machine that moves the universe, it slowly awakens creating a choir of shooting stars and dense breathing matter…”
“… dust and ash role in, filling the streets of the former city with the memory of distant fires…”
“… low, raspy textures, deep melancholy sighs, and soft fluttering sails of cello…”
“… there is an equilibrium within the constant movement of the music…”
“… on heavily contrasting light and shadows, in art, in music, and in life…”