Sophie Hutchings
On Isolation
A visual piece by Sophie Hutchings on the relationship between beauty and isolation
A visual piece by Sophie Hutchings on the relationship between beauty and isolation
“… sometimes I hear something […] and I get inspired by its energy and try to find a way to approach it with my instrument…”
“… a dismal and delicious sombre space, one which delightfully eclipses all the light… “
“… it gives me joy in making some analog sounds… it’s always a great moment for me to be away from a computer, which I already heavily rely on…”
“… it’s just a question of patience and a love for sound until you feel that the track is complete…”
“… the sonic sculpture is created within the composition and sound, smoothing and subtracting the superabundant and multiplying the necessary…”
“… each string resonating at a time, creating a delightful harmony, warm to the ear and the soul…”
A celebration of the label’s output with an exclusive selection from its curator, featuring every artist from its roster!
“… sound design played a big part, but I also revisited methods I used in producing club music […] it was more a process of looking back than forward…”
“… dust and ash role in, filling the streets of the former city with the memory of distant fires…”