Ivan Zoloto
The Door Is Open
“…contorting timbres from the scratchings of the bow against the monster of an instrument…”
Location: Los Angeles, US
Founded : 2000
Richard Chartier‘s LINE publishes editions documenting compositional and installation works by international sound artists and composers exploring the aesthetics of minimalism.
“…contorting timbres from the scratchings of the bow against the monster of an instrument…”
“… an aural encounter with a shapeshifting, mythological ocean creature…”
Your mind is just a canvas; your life – projected film. Your skull is a museum …
“… I put a lot of focus into the sound design, atmospheric composition, and structure, […] it is the one formula that I use to make my sound audible…”
“… a collection of songs that encourage you to wander with the mind…”
“… we like to try to make acoustic instruments sound like they are electronic and electronic instruments sound like they are acoustic…”
Thoughts on sound design in textural, spectral and functional phases; on metric modulations and polytemporal ideas; and on dance music tribalism.
The updated version of this guide is appearing nine years since its original publication. While you …