In the studio with Christopher Tignor
“… I start with great instruments and then mostly leave them be…”
“… I start with great instruments and then mostly leave them be…”
“… many of my favorite compositions have been created using pretty simple and relatively cheap tools…”
“… the process is ultimately very instinctive, not cerebral […] where I find pleasure is in the raw part, the creation…”
“… I don’t like habits too much; it’s the variation and the not always knowing that makes the practice exciting…”
“… I take a lot of inspiration from solitude in nature […] the environment is crucial, much more so than being in a perfect recording studio…”
In this episode, Matt Emery chats with Adam Wiltzie of the one and only A Winged Victory For The Sullen
… ambient music has become a pool of musical diversity […] and more about a basic feeling of freedom and an experimental environment…
“… it starts with sound… experimenting with sound… it truly gets me inspired… it’s what I react to…”
“… I like the idea of creating a sonic bed to lie down in, especially in the early stages of a track…”
“… I froze a bell strike and extended it for hours [and] noticed overtones, hidden sub-tones, and even entire harmonies within that single strike…”
“… we restricted ourselves to the grand piano as a source [and] the effects are opening up new prospects to transform the sound…”