In the studio with Jonas Munk
Visit with the Denmark based musician behind the Manual moniker, and his collaboration with Jason Kolb as the Billow Observatory
Location: Berlin, Germany
Founded: 2009
A boutique record label releasing mainly modern classical and ambient music. Every release comes as a limited edition in hand-crafted packaging made from locally produced and designed material.
Visit with the Denmark based musician behind the Manual moniker, and his collaboration with Jason Kolb as the Billow Observatory
“sonic objects which can be rotated and viewed from multiple perspectives…”
And here we are. Finding ourselves at this place at this time, where we have been …
Welcome to HC 3.0 BETA! It’s called 3.0 because this is the third official iteration of the …
No matter how deformed these atonal sounds are the cadence of the piece holds up its monumental structure…
A set of bytes to keep you cozy in the upcoming winter months…
At this point, there’s honestly no rhyme or thought or reason behind the path of my arrival at these sounds.
“For me, [re:member] means the opposite of dismemberment – to become yourself again, to become a …
Instead of rushing to cover the latest and the greatest, I feel like spending more time …
ASC Astral Projection Forget about keeping up with all new music, I can’t even keep up …