Searching for Behind The Sky Music
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and your copyrighted music
What happens to the royalties when music is used in a 15-second clip?
Mercury KX Special
Sophie Hutchings, Luke Howard and Lambert
Three must-have releases from Mercury KX outstanding catalogue of modern classical pianists
Sky Is A Painter
“… it is about when you are in one ‘place’ and you then you start to feel the things slowly change…”
In the studio with Sophie Hutchings
“… when there’s a real beating heart behind what’s played with, there’s a form of emotion conveyed and never played the same way twice…”
Squarepusher, Telefon Tel Aviv, and Erik Satie
Here’s your dose of #DailySpin featuring a set of three records in a fascinating package
Music For Crawling Through Abandoned Cities
Abandoned places and desolate spaces, covered with rain, snow, and ash, wrapped in a blanket of …
Music For The Frosty Night When I Miss Your Warm Light
IN MEMORY OF DANIELLE BAQUET-LONG (CELER / CHUBBY WOLF) [ 1983 – 2009 ] (entries are …
Music For Sonic Installations In The Cavern Of Your Skull
I don’t believe in silent art. Perhaps the shuffling of the feet, or the occasional rude …
Music For Awakened Spirits And Open Minds
After spending an entire night dancing at an outdoor festival, I wake up in my tent, …