In the studio with Lisa Bella Donna
“… music and recording should always be a joy… never a resistance to the miraculousness of the music to be made…”
“… music and recording should always be a joy… never a resistance to the miraculousness of the music to be made…”
“… I generally use sound design and electronic elements to support or underpin the acoustic instruments…”
“… music is around us all the time… making music is more a matter of selection, less a matter of creation…”
“How does anyone judge anything in art? Experience. If the piece ‘lives’ after several months, if it puts me ‘in a place’…”
“… the universe and everything in it consists of vibrations… to reach into that river of energy and pluck out ideas is a gift…”
“… many notable artists release their music without the attention they deserve, and a lot of silly music has too much space…”
“… I usually try to bring new elements to the process or deliberately limit myself to one instrument…”
“… I start with great instruments and then mostly leave them be…”
“… many of my favorite compositions have been created using pretty simple and relatively cheap tools…”
“… the process is ultimately very instinctive, not cerebral […] where I find pleasure is in the raw part, the creation…”
“… I don’t like habits too much; it’s the variation and the not always knowing that makes the practice exciting…”