Peter van Cooten’s intricate storytelling with his favorite piece is the precise definition of a true curator. But it’s not just a collection of sequential tracks that makes a mix from PvC a transforming experience, it’s also his multi-layered approach to weaving in the dynamics and textures of individual compositions that truly create a brand new one, disabling your mind from peeling apart the individual pieces (see below the screenshot of the entire sequence). The mix becomes an event of itself – one that I am honored to share with you. Here are some words from Peter on the theme:
The moment I heard Rami Malek whisper “You lie in bed and repeat this mantra in your head: mind awake, body asleep” (Mr Robot, series 2) I knew this would be the inspiration for a new mix. A mix about being half-asleep, lucid dreaming impressions… ungraspable images… and about “letting go”. After all, Mr. Robot’s tagline was “Control is an Illusion”. Control proved to be an illusion indeed, with these different, unrelated, fragments coming together like pieces of a puzzle, creating a mix “like its own cinematic score.” So let go, indulge yourself in this mix, and leave control to wherever the sound takes you.
00:20 00:30 Rami Malek – Mind Awake, Body Asleep (Mr. Robot, 2016)
00:50 02:02 Gideon Wolf – Disquiet (Year Zero, 2016)
01:31 01:38 Kenji Kawai – Ghosthack (Ghost in the Shell OST, 1995)
02:41 02:08 Dirigent – The Perseids (Naviarhaiku 137 (3 Years of Naviar Haiku, 2017)
04:11 01:22 Olivier Alary – Xi (Fiction – Non-Fiction, 2017)
05:14 02:19 Mayforest – ––––––– (Mayforest, 2017)
07:13 03:00 Daniel WJ Mackenzie – Abandonment I (Every Time Feels Like The Last Time, 2017)
09:35 02:59 Sij – Floating Clouds (The Time Machine, 2017)
10:08 00:26 Rami Malek – Mind Awake, Body Asleep (Mr. Robot, 2016)
12:02 02:32 BJ Nilsen – Twenty Four Seven (Eye of the Microphone, 2013)
13:10 02:19 Visible Cloaks – Wintergreen (Reassemblage, 2017)
14:54 02:03 Stéphane Roy – III (Migrations, 2004)
15:57 01:10 Simon Fisher Turner – Burnt In (Giraffe, 2017)
17:01 03:01 Max Richter – Morphology (Three Worlds: Music From Wolf Works, 2017)
19:13 02:44 Angelina Yershova – Intermezzo 80 Hertz (Resonance Night, 2017)
21:30 01:37 Gideon Wolf – Noise (Year Zero, 2016)
22:11 03:06 James Murray – Allways (Killing Ghosts, 2017)
24:40 02:47 Alva Noto – Gulf Night (For Peter Roehr) (For, 2006)
25:49 02:17 Mario Batkovic – Desiderii Patriae (Solo, 2015)
27:07 04:00 J. Peter Schwalm – Endknall (The Beauty of Disaster, 2016)
30:08 03:51 Abul Mogard – Tumbling Relentless Heaps (Works, 2016)
32:38 02:59 Lawrence English – Somnambulist (Cruel Optimism, 2017)
34:43 01:54 Penjaga Insaf – Keinsafan (Sama Sadja, 2010)
35:27 01:21 Olan Mill – Alve (Orient, 2017)
36:23 02:34 Jeffrey Roden – Threads of a Prayer (Threads of a Prayer Volume 2, 2017)
38:50 01:40 Jóhann Jóhannsson – First Encounter (Arrival OST, 2016)
39:57 01:49 Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie – They Dream Of More (Salero OST, 2016)
40:23 00:14 Rami Malek – Mind Awake, Body Asleep (Mr. Robot, 2016)
41:32 01:22 The Future Sound of London – Exerting Force or Influence (Environment Six, 2016)
41:54 02:14 Andrew Wasylyk – Ghosts of Park Place (Themes for Buildings and Spaces, 2017)
42:43 02:57 Elegi – K-141 (Bansull, 2017)
44:43 03:02 Dodsmakín – Heksetimen (Fullstendig Brent, 2017)
45:46 03:22 FM3 – Dui Xiang (Ting Shuo, 2014)
48:28 02:13 Scott Walker – Dream Sequence (The Childhood of a Leader OST, 2016)
49:31 00:15 Rami Malek – Mind Awake, Body Asleep (Mr. Robot, 2016)
50:00 03:47 Seabuckthorn – Passage of Old (I Could See The Smoke, 2016)
53:07 01:50 Fabio Perletta – Ichinen Pt. 1 (Ichinen, 2017)
53:26 06:33 Olivier Alary – Epilogue (Fiction – Non-Fiction, 2017)
1:00:00 End