Headphone Commute is an independent online resource of candid words on electronic, experimental and instrumental music. The range of covered genres includes ambient, modern classical, shoegaze, downtempo, experimental, minimal, IDM, film music and everything in between. Headphone Commute is not associated with any artist, band, record label, promoter, distributor or retailer covered by the reviews. There is no hidden agenda behind these words. What you see is what you get. All that means is that we share our love for music because we want to, not because we have to. Created entirely by humans, with no artificial intelligence.
Who is behind Headphone Commute?
Remaining anonymous is important to the founder of Headphone Commute. This anonymity affords the mysterious HC the luxury of staying true to the writer’s opinion and acts as a safeguard to prevent the ego from getting in the way of the one thing that counts: music. Here’s everything you ever wanted to know in these Fifteen Questions with Headphone Commute.
Album Submission Policy
Unfortunately, at this time, Headphone Commute does not accept any unsolicited promotional material. We are deeply apologetic for this decision. There’s nothing worse than having your music pile up on our desks which never gets a chance to be heard. Similarly, we don’t want to passively ignore you by never replying to your requests. For every beautiful album that we feature on the site, we get ten more sent by email, and there’s no way that we can ever catch up! The decision about accepting promos is not final and may change in the future, depending on our workload. Labels and artists with which we have had contact in the past may continue to reach out via the same methods. Otherwise, you can be sure that we’ll find you. We hope you understand where we’re coming from, and again, we’re very sorry for this decision.
On Facts and Opinions
All of the content on Headphone Commute goes through a thorough fact-checking process, primarily by having the reviewed entity (artist and/or label) verify the writeup to be error-free before the post or by relying on an official press release presented along with a promotional copy of the album. The interviews are posted in their raw, unedited form, except for spelling corrections and/or grammar and sentence revision for the foreign language-speaking interviewees. The views expressed on Headphone Commute are those of the respective contributors. We strive to be a reliable source of information.
On Avatar
The face of Headphone Commute is none other than Zoetica Ebb – artist, writer, photographer, style technician and co-founder of Coilhouse magazine, who has written up praise for Headphone Commute and has generously agreed to be our protagonist. Let’s be honest – we think Zo is beautiful and love the presence she adds to the music, the mood, and the weight of our words. We hope you feel the same.
On Text, Content, and Copyright
All content on this site is Copyright © 2007-2024 Headphone Commute, unless otherwise clearly stated. All attributable work is credited and republished with permission of the original author. All artist photos are courtesy of the artist, attributed with the photographer’s credit when applicable. All album cover art is copyrighted and courtesy of the artist and/or label. All music and sound samples are embedded with the permission of the artist and/or label. Additional media content is republished as made available by the original author. You may freely quote or republish our words on your site, press kit, or promotional material, with proper attribution linking back to headphonecommute.com. Do not blatantly steal our content. You know the drill…
Additional Contributors
Most of the content on Headphone Commute has been written by the mysterious HC, who prefers to stay anonymous, putting the music ahead of the ego. That seems to be working for the time being… In addition, exclusive content has been submitted by Josh Russell, Elizabeth Klisiewicz, Ben Rutter, Jón Ingi Herbertsson, Matt Leslie, and some previously appearing articles by Peter van Cooten, Matthew Mercer, Brian Housman, Chris Doherty-Ingram, Will Long, Richard Allen, Richard Gürtler, Daniel Mackenzie, Kyra Kordoski, Orangewarrior, Sarah Badr, and Jacob Arnold. All syndicated content has been republished with permission of the original author. See copyright footnotes for all appropriate credits.
For feedback on the site, a recommendation on a feature, or an idea that you wish us to explore, please leave us a comment using the form below, and your message will be forwarded directly to us. All comments are moderated and will not appear on the site unless approved. Please do not use this form to submit us your promos – please read Album Submission Policy above. If you do not read the prior sentence, we will not read your entire message.