In the studio with Disasterpeace
Take a peek inside Richard Vreeland studio
Take a peek inside Richard Vreeland studio
A modern-classical weather forecast, for fans of cello and warm summer storms…
HC: What do you look for when you go record digging? JN: Peace. Time apart. Space …
“… like opening your eyes on the beach facing a boundless ocean…”
Editors Note: The following is a excerpt from James Norman‘s upcoming book, titled Micro Record Label: A …
… a love letter to transience, fragility and analogue machines…
Visit with the Denmark based musician behind the Manual moniker, and his collaboration with Jason Kolb as the Billow Observatory
…on the outer reaches of spatial and reductionist pianismEditor’s Note: The following interview appeared as a …
“Half-broken tape machines and plenty of ghostly echoes helped hide the honesty of the piano as …
And here we are. Finding ourselves at this place at this time, where we have been …