November 6, 2020
Wow. A lot of music to share today! Must be approaching the end of the year …
Wow. A lot of music to share today! Must be approaching the end of the year …
“… a dark and euphoric dreamscape that evokes both rapture and dread…”
Here’s another round-up of records dropping hot off the press today just for you! This is …
At this point, I assume that even you are tired of me complaining about too much …
“… beneath the tones and patinas of sorrow lie something of the beauty of tomorrow…”
A companion mix to “Micro Record Label: A love letter for music fans; a how-to for the hopeless; a light-hearted, humorous, self-deprecating detour for the uninterested.”
“Some ideas slip away, like beautiful shooting stars. Others, by dint of playing them, begin to structure themselves. But there are no rules…”
“… a callback to 80’s kosmiche musik, early ambient, and modular synth explorations…”
“… our journey to the north was where we became oneness…”