In the studio with Gaspar Claus
“… sometimes I hear something […] and I get inspired by its energy and try to find a way to approach it with my instrument…”
“… sometimes I hear something […] and I get inspired by its energy and try to find a way to approach it with my instrument…”
“… it gives me joy in making some analog sounds… it’s always a great moment for me to be away from a computer, which I already heavily rely on…”
“… it’s just a question of patience and a love for sound until you feel that the track is complete…”
“… the sonic sculpture is created within the composition and sound, smoothing and subtracting the superabundant and multiplying the necessary…”
In this episode, Matt Emery chats with Robot Koch, who has recently released a new album, The Next Billion Years
“… sound design played a big part, but I also revisited methods I used in producing club music […] it was more a process of looking back than forward…”
“… the wood of stringed instruments and the horsehair rubbing on the strings create many small sounds that make you really feel what happens when you play, and this is magical for me…”
In this episode, Matt Emery chats with Sebastian Plano, who has recently released a new album on Mercury KX, titled Save Me Not
“… modern immediacy is alluring but music should be given the time it deserves…”
Matt Emery chats with Rutger Hoedemaekers, who has recently released a new album on FatCat’s 130701 imprint
A fascinating discussion on modular synthesis, live improv, and the resulting album as Sunroof