In the studio with Sinemis
“… I really enjoy working with organic sources of audio, finding or recording sounds, which I then start heavily processing in unusual ways…”
“… I really enjoy working with organic sources of audio, finding or recording sounds, which I then start heavily processing in unusual ways…”
“Will we live on? Will the technology that we embed ourselves in outlive us?”
“… my role as a performer fulfils me completely […] I don’t feel any frustration in playing other people’s music, I find it a total field of expression…”
“… since I am dealing with prime numbers there are really no repeats [..] the music unfolds and shifts according to its own internal logic…”
“… I’ve always been interested in what gives a piece of music emotional content, which for me derives from harmony as well as melody…”
“… creation is a cathartic process for me, and I’m drawn to it like a moth to light…”
“… I’ve become immensely enthusiastic about emotional embodiment… I’d like to evoke specific feelings in the audience during the listening sessions…”
“… I don’t distinguish so much between Techno and Ambient. For me, it’s the same: a soundtrack to special moments…”
“… there’s no point in wasting a lot of time on a track which obviously isn’t going to work, the listeners can hear it’s not been fun to work on…”
“… I do not have a concrete strategy. I would say it is more philosophy. I try to avoid too much knowledge; that way, I can keep up a playful approach…”
“… I really embrace the warbly unsteadiness of tapes, the intentional sound degradation, and focus on deeply textural stuff…”