Track Premiere
Quiet Places
The Empty View
“… moments of melody amongst the wide landscape of abstract sounds are the only glimpse of reality…”
Bob Holroyd
Big Fields
“… although they think something different, all people actually want is football chants and nursery rhymes…”
Josh Cohen
“… delicate pauses, which break free from the constraints of the predicted and the foreseen…”
Markus Guentner
“… a captivating progression […] with an endlessly interwoven carpet of sound that spreads out over six etudes…”
Tom Adams
Afterglow 1
“… weather-beaten and tired, yet content and grounded […] the calm after being in the storm…”
The Album Leaf
“… the musical journey [which] weaves us through chaos culminating in some sort of peace…”
Titanus Giganteus
“… a dynamic, intimate and soaring composition of lofi piano, strings, and tape… “
Martin Kohlstedt
“… a journey that resonates not only within the conscious mind but also within the soul…”
Christian Balvig
Where All Is
“… an ode to and from the night […] a rebellion against constant stimuli…”