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Happy Monday, friends. I didn’t publish many mixes last year—probably about four altogether. Do you think I should continue investing time into this? Oh, right. You can’t answer me here, but you can on the newly launched Headphone Community. In any case, some traditions continue. And today, I have the 17th instalment of Mathias Van Eecloo‘s eisOtones series, which comprises 50 tracks from 50 releases of 2024. See all previous editions here. Prepare yourself for a very eclectic selection of tunes, some outside the HC general pathway. This is precisely what I love about this journey – I get to turn to the alleys I don’t generally go down. I like to think of it as a way to reset, cleansing the mind and stepping away from the usual sounds we take for granted. It’s a chance to explore music that exists on the outskirts, the boundaries of which we seem to narrow every day. Mathias is, of course, the founder of the now-concluded Eilean Records, as well as the ongoing IIKKI project and LAAPS, a label focusing on ambient and electro-acoustic genres. All of which I can highly recommend. And now, the music!