Mathias Van Eecloo
eisOtones 17
50 tracks from 50 releases of 2024
Location: Brittany, France
Founded : 2020
A permanent continuity in sounds and visuals with bridges between each album curated by Mathias Van Eecloo (also the founder of the now completed project Eilean Rec.)
50 tracks from 50 releases of 2024
Something warm, soft, and fuzzy is resonating on the inside of my ear canal. It travels …
50 tracks from 50 releases of 2023
“… beyond the edge of the world there’s a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap…”
Your mind is just a canvas; your life – projected film. Your skull is a museum …
Welcome to another entry of my OUT TODAY column, where I round up a few of …
A LAAPS and IIKKI label showcase spanning the last two years, compiled by Mathias Van Eecloo
“… the decay and the growth stir tiny, fragile worlds…”