February 6, 2021
Yesterday was the widely broadcasted Bandcamp Friday, so I didn’t think you wanted me to add …
Yesterday was the widely broadcasted Bandcamp Friday, so I didn’t think you wanted me to add …
Peter van Cooten and Dave Michuda create a cooperative voyage each taking their turns to conduct and manoeuvre this ship in complex sonic waters.
An eclectic selection of tunes curated by a German composer, J. Wolfgang Röttger, who records under his moniker Morgen Wurde.
“… all that heaviness of dealing with old rituals and new worlds at the same time…”
“… a powerful and stunningly executed long-form work that continues to explore ideas of displaced sound…”
For the last twelve years this music haunted my days, then cautiously moved through the ether …
Another sunset without you. How precious were those little moments… how futile are these tardy words. …
After spending an entire night dancing at an outdoor festival, I wake up in my tent, …
For the last eleven years this music haunted my days, then cautiously moved through the ether …
… a defiant, resounding, and cerebral record that demands to be played at full volume…