Searching for Black Records
Bluetech, Suumhow, and Lee Gamble
Bluetech Holotrope I feel like the world has moved on from the psy-X influenced post-genres, although, …
Proem, Silk Road Assassins, and ØxØ
“… contradictions of contemporary society through the dialectics of conceptual music…”
In the studio with Tambour
Take a look inside Simon P. Castonguay’s, aka Tambour studio, read up on his composition process and his latest release for Moderna Records
Clint Mansell
… a story of celestial loneliness… and distant longing…
Radical Candor
Peter van Cooten is back for his multi-layered textured voyage which has become an art form in itself. Strap yourself in, kids, this is going to be a powerful ride…
Will Long
I’ll show you mine…
How many records would you say are in your collection? Less than 100. I keep my …
James Norman
I’ll show you mine…
HC: What do you look for when you go record digging? JN: Peace. Time apart. Space …
A Strangely Isolated Place
Reflection on 2018
Ryan Griffin’s favourite selections revisited for one more spin…
Micro Record Label
Chapter 2: Identity (by James Norman)
Editors Note: The following is a excerpt from James Norman‘s upcoming book, titled Micro Record Label: A …