This summer Alex Smalley, releasing under the name Olan Mill, is traveling in Indonesia. For his trip he prepared a mix, selecting some of his favorite eclectic pieces, which would accompany him on his journey. But whether the voyage is a literal or not, we could imagine the wanderings through the aural perceptions and metaphorically join Smalley on his adventures. Which is why we decided to share this musical passage with you. There are definitely some classic tracks on here, which I’m sure you’ll really like… Be sure to check out Headphone Commute’s review of Paths, as well as an Interview with Olan Mill. Also, stay tuned for a new Olan Mill album, titled Hiraeth, which will be out on Preservation in October.
Bola – Aguilla
Bochum Welt – Interlude (mix2)
Freescha – Sheena
Autechre – Gold (Remix of Lamb)
Future Sound Of London – Papua New Guinea
DJ SY – Pills, Thrills and Biscuits
Gang Gang Dance – Vacuum
Prefuse 73 – Perverted Undertone
The Gasman – Imodium
Seefeel – Cherry Flavoured Funk (Remix of Cocteau Twins)
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