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Headphone Commute’s Best of 2010 : Music For Missed Friends, Barbecues And Turntables

I don’t timestamp music with transitions… I timestamp life transitions with the music… A period here, a semicolon there… Music played for long lost friends, and music that I play for them again right now… Because even if you’re not right here, and you can’t hear these sounds, I know you’re listening. And even though I’ll never admit this out loud, you know I miss you… always will…

(entries are listed in alphabetical order by artist. links point to album reviews on headphone commute)

Actress – Splazsh (Honest Jon’s)
Bonobo – Black Sands (Ninja Tune)
Deru – Say Goodbye to Useless (Mush)
Emancipator – Safe in the Steep Cliffs (self)
Flying Lotus – Cosmogramma (Warp)
Gonjasufi – A Sufi And A Killer (Warp)
Lorn – Nothing Else (Brainfeeder)
Machine Drum – Many Faces (LuckyMe)
Mothboy – Bunny (Ad Noiseam)
Teebs – Ardour (Brainfeeder)

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