J. Doursou
Song For Elena
“… the anxiety of the inescapable horrors and the dread of helplessness from being far away from war…”
“… the anxiety of the inescapable horrors and the dread of helplessness from being far away from war…”
“… physicality of sound, evoked through modular synthesis to imbue life and instability into the recordings…”
“… a reflective journey through the exploration of life’s philosophical questions…”
“… according to the philosopher Plato […] the highest knowledge of the eternal forms or ideas…”
“… beyond the edge of the world there’s a space where emptiness and substance neatly overlap…”
“… how does the idea of ‘nothing’ fit into the realm of sound and, at the same time, exist at every turn…”
“… this would be the point in the film where the hero’s world is starting to melt and come apart…”
“… reflecting the duality of life, encompassing both the major and minor moments…”
“… cinematic environments, microtonal shifts, polyrhythmic structures… and a bit of sawtooth bass…”