I know you’ve waited for this one folks, and so here it is, another summary of the year’s best music in a form of thematically grouped lists. If you’ve been following these installments for the past (eight?) years, you know how it goes – the lists contain unrated full-length albums (in alphabetical order by artist), featuring my favorite selections from the year – these are obviously albums that I have heard, and most-likely have already covered on Headphone Commute. So click through the links below, and if you like a few albums on a particular list, be sure to check out the others.
Thank you for tuning in! I hope you enjoy and support the featured artists!
Music For The Film Behind Closed Eyelids
Music For Bending Light And Stopping Time
Music For Awakened Spirits And Open Minds
Music For Crawling Through Abandoned Cities
Music For Withered Leaves And Lonely Fishtanks
Music For Long Car Rides With My Family & Friends
Music For Walking And Not Crying In The Autumn Rain
Music For The Frosty Night When I Miss Your Warm Light
Music For Watching The Snow Slowly Fall In The Moonlight
Music For Sonic Installations In The Cavern Of Your Skull
Music For Missed Friends, Barbecues And Turntables
Music For Synergizing The Synapse Of Ideas
Music For Capricious Souls Adrift In Noir-fi
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2014
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2013
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2012
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2011
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2010
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2009
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2008
Headphone Commute’s Best of 2007