Malcolm Pardon
Side Effects
“… just like the distressing notion of your own inevitable passing, it is disquieting, beautiful and final…”
“… just like the distressing notion of your own inevitable passing, it is disquieting, beautiful and final…”
“… an invitation to slow down and contemplate the vastness of time and the universe…”
“… an important step for me regarding ideas is to not search for ideas…”
“… a remarkable sonic line from contented exploration, to staggering decline, to death…”
“… I look for good quality in almost anything. It’s more than just an aesthetics but a way of living in the world…”
“… traversing a landscape of personal and universal themes, painted with raw emotions…”
“… reflecting on a period of introspection […] coming to terms with the events that have transpired…”
Julia Gjertsen’s ambient piano melodies, nonkeen’s jazzy keys with Nils Frahm, and Unstern’s atmospheric debut…
“… capturing the feeling of waiting for an Icelandic summer which leaves as suddenly as it arrives…”
“… the world is truly a canvas where we can identify some patterns and learn to appreciate its chaotic aspects…”