A Strangely Isolated Place
2024 | Label Compilation (mixed by todos)

As the year draws to a close, a few of my favourite labels release [digital] compilations to showcase their output and perhaps introduce you to a missed artist or two. I find these selections particularly interesting, not just as a summary of the annual catalogue, but indeed, a bit of a sonic snapshot of how a particular year turned out. For example, I’ve observed that some labels doubled down on their schedule, releasing maybe even too much, while others kept a steady pace of about a dozen albums, giving space for a month to a highlighted artist. Meanwhile, more than a few imprints sat silent, repressing old gems. It was a bit of a toss-up this year [for me], as I’m sure many imprints found it a continuously challenging environment to thrive in. But leave it to the trustworthy US-based A Strangely Isolated Place, curated and run by Ryan Griffin, to sign on new artists and bring back a few nostalgic sounds, all of which can be found on this compilation, which features not only eight single tracks but also an hour-long mix by todos, traversing the catalogue in his very unique mixing style. “This year’s selection posed an increasingly complex challenge, with its mix of tempos and styles, but it’s a testament to the incredible work of the ASIP artists in 2024, all tied together under the meticulous eye of our trusted selector.” Pick this up directly from the label’s Bandcamp, and then follow up with the albums you’ll love.
Past Inside the Present
Past/Present 2024 Compilation

Speaking of celebrations, the Indianapolis-based Pased Inside the Present label, curated and run by Zach Frizzell, had a tremendous year in output, commemorated in this end-of-the-year release. Compiling tracks from albums which also appeared on the sub-labels Healing Sound Propagandist and Fallen Moon Recordings, this nearly three hours of music is a voyage all on its own. In addition to the twenty-five tracks spread across a 4-panel double CD, there is a 70-minute live single-take mix by LA’s Inquiri (aka Lacey Harris, who appeared this year with See You Someday). All of my favourite artists are here, from 36 to Black Swan to ASC, Inhmost, bvdub, and, of course, zakè, whose albums I have covered in detail on this site. The consistency of quality from this fantastic label is impressive, and I can only raise a glass in a toast to another great year to come. “If I had to choose one word to define 2024, it would be resilience,” remarks Frizzell. “This year started with the difficult decision to pause vinyl releases due to a range of factors, most notably skyrocketing costs. Despite the practical woes, we stood strong; and by ‘we’, I mean our loyal fans and close-knit ambient family. It was the unwavering support of listeners and the fervency of our artists – who created some of the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard – that made our bonds grow tighter, and no price can be placed on that kind of unity.”

Fauna is not a celebration of the label’s catalogue, but for this compilation, the Oakland-based n5MD imprint invited its artists to contribute a track with all proceeds donated to the French non-profit association L214 to benefit the animals. Franck Zaragoza curated this selection of eleven pieces to remind us that all species on this planet we share have the right to live. Featuring many of my favourite artists, including Stray Theories, Zinovia, Mikael Lind, Jason van Wyk, and, of course, Ocoeur, this is a wonderful selection of ambient, electro-acoustic, and neo-classical music. Thanks for reading, and now, I will leave you with this quote from the compilation’s press release, shared in its entirety. “In today’s world, society is increasingly driven by deep-seated greed and a relentless pursuit of pleasure. Humanity constantly searches for satisfaction, yet we are rarely content. This lack of fulfilment leads to a cycle of endless production and consumption, causing harm not only to other living beings but also ourselves as we exploit and degrade our precious environment. Throughout history, humans have often viewed animals as soulless and fundamentally different from us. However, animals have the same right to live without discrimination or exploitation. [Fauna] emphasizes that our future depends on our actions and choices we make today.”