Release Notes
Label: Fernweh Records
Date: June 14th, 2024
Mastered By: Martyn Heyne
Artwork By: Sabatina Leccia
I often wonder if things are getting worse or if it’s just about perspective. The knowledge of the past is colouring the feelings of the present. Hasn’t this world been always just a little bit insane? Aren’t some people dancing right now as others go to sleep in tears? Don’t all good things come to an end while bad ones linger in the background? This mood I’m in right now is strange – it’s contemplative yet disgruntled. What will I do about it all? At least, I will create. I think I’ll make some music to express my inner state and paint emotions with my sound. But first, I turn to Onur Tarçın, a Turkish multi-instrumentalist and composer based in Paris, whose music seemed to trigger and then quiet all these thoughts. Listening to “A Piece of Sky”, I am reminded of our vast universe and of all our real insignificance that we seem to ignore while caught up in our stories… of the lives that we live and the moments that we share… And even if these thoughts [and skies] may not relieve our sorrows, perhaps this music [and these words] for just a second will.
Sometimes, just looking up at the sky might remind us we’re not alone in our feelings. This piece came to me on one such quiet day, a gentle reminder that life’s flow continues, and we share more with those around us than we might think, each observing from our own little windows, looking out at a vast expanse that we all live under yet see from such different perspectives.
— Onur Tarçın

This single is scheduled to be released on June 14th, 2024, via Fernweh Records. Originally titled “Mavi”, which means “blue’” in Turkish, the music on the upcoming debut “delves into the different shades of blue that paint our experiences,” capturing various aspects of the colour, from the sea to the sky. The album is now officially named “DREAM WHEN YOU’RE FEELING BLUE” and its release date will be announced soon. Tarcin’s previous piece, “somewhere beyond the sea,” which premiered on Headphone Commute in October of 2023, is part of this colourful tranquillity and introspective depth.