In a sonic world which currently appears to be saturated with meditative and reflective music, it seems too hard to meditate and then reflect upon the meaning of this saturation. Is it the fact that we’re all receding into quietude and need a bit more space for all our mental health, or is it simply the machinery behind the scenes that works like a suggestive algorithm to feed us more of what we want? I suspect the truth lies somewhere in between because it’s a little bit of both. Thankfully, I think I can see right through the latter, and bring you closer to the former because there are a few artists, and more importantly, record labels, that really focus on aesthetics, delivering music that connects every listener, and not just dilutes them with more of the same. In this particular case, I am speaking, of course, of Moderna, which since 2015, has been offering us beautiful gems. With their latest release, this Montreal-based imprint is introducing us to a Polish composer and pianist, Piotr Wiese. Building upon a successful string of film soundtracks, singles and albums, Wiese is currently working on a new LP for the label, but today we can get a sneak preview into his world with a charming title track, taken from his upcoming EP in September. “Coming Home” is a lovingly executed solo piano piece, with roots in European romanticism and newly-born branches in contemporary classical and reductionist minimalism genres – exactly how I like it. It’s a poetic melody that comforts and quilts, reminding me so much of those meditative and reflective pieces that I love so much to console in, even if they come from a turbulent mind of my own.
Coming Home is all about a journey – the one you undertake to get to know your true self. Sometimes a lot of time has to pass to get to the place where you live your own life, rather than the lives of others. And then when you get to that place it feels like ‘coming home’ from a long journey. There can nonetheless be sadness because there are people, often loved ones, you have to leave behind to live in peace with yourself amidst the joy of the return to self.
— Piotr Wiese

Once again, the full album is out on September 16th (so still a bit of a wait) via the amazing Moderna imprint. I know that I’ll be looking forward to that, much more than some reinvented 4LP set for 60+ Euros.