Release Notes
Label: Home Normal
Release: Suññatā
Date: November 17, 2020
Mastered By: Ian Hawgood
Artwork By: James Murray and Mike Lazarev
Those who have been following my musings through the years surely have already read these words before. It is slightly awkward to employ my self-built platform as a tool to plug and self-promote. But self-promote I must, because how else will I inform you all, my friends, of my creations, that in part I’ve made for you to share with. Such is the case with my only second-ever collaboration, this time with a musician whom I now call a friend. James Murray and I met many years ago, virtually at first, and then in person, when I moved to London from New York. We’ve shared many musical moments [and even played together at an impromptu jamming session one late evening at his home], until one day, one thing led to another, and we’ve put out a short but sweet release [see “Living Treasure“]. And yet, Suññatā is something else entirely. Composed in complete partnership with this amazing artist, Suññatā follows a path of introspection to find a space where the self completely ceases to exist. This meditation in sound follows an arch designed to take you deeper into the nature of being until, at the end of this journey, you melt into nothingness. It may be a frightful experience at first, but it is also truly liberating and sublime. Today, I’d like to premiere the final piece on this same-titled album, which is out tomorrow, on the ever-glowing label that is Home Normal.
Suññatā is the experience of encountering the non-self, of a sound and its reflection meeting in empty space, found here in the remarkable combined resonance of emotive piano and uniquely reactive sound design.

The album was beautifully mastered by Ian Hawgood on his miraculous analog gear and is available on a compact disc and as a digital release on all of your favorite streaming platforms. Preview a few more tracks and pre-order your copy via the label’s Bandcamp.