On today’s podcast I am honored to host a mix by Gabe Koch, sharing his selections under the DJ Merck moniker. If you don’t know who Gabe Koch is, you really should! In January of 2000 Koch started the now legendary Merck Records, which seriously shaped my music taste with revolutionary sounds by Machine Drum, Proem, Lackluster, Secede, Tycho, Malcom Kipe, Deru, Ilkae, Kettel, Quench, Blamstrain, and way too many others to list here! It would not be an understatement to say that Merck Records still holds a very special place in my heart (and on my record shelf), and that I feel incredibly obliged for all the work Koch put into the label, even if after over 50 releases the label closed its doors in 2007. So without further ado I present you with ambient selections by Gabe Koch!
[ S T R E A M ] | [ D O W N L O A D ] | [ P O D C A S T ] | [ i T U N E S ]