Happy Tuesday and welcome to another installment in Headphone Commute mixes. Today I’ve got another special treat for you – one I know that you’ll enjoy for the years to come (and yes, I do mean years). After gracing these pages and your ears with his staple post-IDM DSP-rich crunchy sounds, Roel Funcken returns with a fantastic selection of ambient, modern classical and experimental music. I suppose somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that Funcken appreciated all ‘good’ music, but I was not fully aware that his taste was so aligned with my own. And that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside [especially as I dust off some of the earlier Funckarma records which are so precious in my vinyl collection]. As I skim down the track list I recognize many of the artists which frequent my playlists and, of course, my own headphone commute.
Please enjoy responsibly and support the featured artists!
Artwork by Bob Bell
p.s. If you listen carefully and recognize the used pieces, you should also pick up on the fact that Roel used additional effects and processing to shape this journey!
roelfuncken.com | funckarma.com
02.Such Owls As You-Brambles-Charcoal
03.In Everything Was Given-… and darkness came
04.Sealevel.1-Simon Scott-Below Sea Level
05.Bones & Ice (Summer Trees Turn)-Slow Dancing Society-Laterna Magica
06.Zorya Polunochnaya-Floex-Zorya
07.TEQ-The Alvaret Ensemble-The Alvaret Ensemble (disc 2)
08.Calling-Trifonic-Ninth Wave
09.Pools Of Rust-From The Mouth of The Sun-Woven Tide
10.EAC-The Alvaret Ensemble-The Alvaret Ensemble (disc 1)
11.Kalypso-Psychonavigation-krill.minima – Sekundenschlaf
12.Dreams Of Stairs-Taylor Deupree-Faint
14.Caden Cotard-Greg Haines-Digressions
15.Sealevel.5-Simon Scott-Below Sea Level
16.Azure-Greg Haines-Digressions
17.Sealevel.4-Simon Scott-Below Sea Level
18.Deception Falls-Rafael Anton Irisarri-The North Bend
19.Nueblo Pueblo-Greg Haines-Digressions
20.Barsoom-funckarma-Psar Dymog 2
21.Chalk-Kane Ikin +David Wenngren-Strangers
22.Sun of Madrid-Ametsub-All is Silence
23.Jökull-Black Elk-Sparks
24.In the sky and on the ground-Nils Frahm-The Bells
25.Sparks-Black Elk-Sparks
26.Breath Held-Donato Wharton-A White Rainbow Spanning The Dark
27.Dew On The Mouth-Clark-Body Riddle
28.Intro-Black Elk-Sparks
29.Vega Libre: last hours-Secede-Vega Libre
31.Through The Mouth of Your Eye-Ben Frost-By The Throat
32.Yara 04-Marsen Jules-Yara
33.183 Times-Greg Haines-Digressions
34.Color Loss-From The Mouth of The Sun-Woven Tide
35.Was Auch Passiert-Bersarin Quartett-… and darkness came
36.Shutter-Taylor Deupree-Faint
37.Teeth, Wait-Kettel-Volleyed Iron
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