Jakob Lindhagen
Stages Of Change
“… a sonic journey pulled forward by polar opposites…”
“… a sonic journey pulled forward by polar opposites…”
“… a continuation of heavily layered synthesized and organic textures initially explored on Sacred Tonalities…”
Celebrating Headphone Commute’s many years of content, I am highlighting albums from the past…
“… a particular flavour of sonic tenderness which pulls on my heartstrings with a sombre reverberation of the keys…”
“… to foster creativity, it helps to understand how different phenomena appear in the universe…”
An excerpt from a monumental project released in the newly launched FOLIO format on greyfade
“… rewinding the music I missed and fast forwarding to the music released in the future…”
Love it or hate it, but I think Spotify is here to stay. In the last …
“… blending a tragic quality of an intimate felted upright piano with the emotional weight of the orchestra…”
This weekend, I spent time catching up on all the music I missed last month while …